FARNESE and its History


Route 1
From the Cassia SS1: After Viterbo follow signs for Montefiascone, detour towards Marta, continue towards Valentano, Ischia, Farnese

Route 2

From the autostrada A1: Exit Orvieto follow signs forMontefiascone- San Lorenzo Nuovo, continue towards Latera, Valentano, Ischia, Farnese Exit Orte, take the superstrada Orte_Viterbo towards Cassia Nord in the direction of Montefiascone, detour towards Marta, continue towards Valentano, Ischia, Farnese

Route 3
From the Aurelia SS2 exit Montalto di Castro, continue towards Ischia di Castro and Farnese


A private bus will meet the group at the Rome airport or at railway station.

C.so V. Emanuele III, 159 - 01010 Farnese - (VT) Italy - Tel +39 06 3202157 - Mobile: +39 349 8053802 - e-mail: info@borgorinascimento.it