Guglielmina Clarici  

Guglielmina Clarici is continuing the artistic family tradition started by her ancestors, G. Battista Clarici from Urbino who worked mainly in Milano and Bartolomeo who worked in the Veneto and Marche during the 18th century.

Guglielmina Clarici was born and lives in Rome. She is a graduate of the “Accademia di Belle Arti” di Rome and later received her diploma in the“buon fresco” and encaustic painting from the school of “Arti Ornamentali del Comune di Roma” also specializing in the technique of the “strappo” (the removal of the fresco from the original wall ). Subsequently her interest turned to portaiture which she does in oil as well as terra cotta.

Of the numerous portraits done both in Italy and abroad, one hangs in the Conciergerie in Paris, another in the Board of Education Building in Philadelphia. In Italy, her portrait of the First President of the “Corte di Cassazione” hangs in the halls of Supreme Court in Rome and portaits of two Public Prosecutors can be found in the offices of the “Procura Generale”. From January to June of 1990 she painted the walls of the Conciegerie in Paris using the "buon fresco" technique. Her work was well received by both art critics and the local authorities. In 1991 she taught painting and drawing in a private art gallery in Paris. From 1995-97 she held numerous very successful demonstration- lectures of the buon fresco technique at colleges in the Philadelphia area.

From 1997 she taught painting and drawing courses at the RUFA (Rome University of fine Art) where, in 1999 she has been professor of "painting techniques" in the academic painting course.

- In 2000 was head of the decoration course at the same academy.

- In 2002 her work included two paintings for the Baptismal Chapel in the 17th century Church of San Pancrazio at Isola Farnese near Rome. During the same year, she started a series of paintings for the dining room of a Japanese cruise ship. 2003 has been dedicated to the organization of the study villa and conference center Il Borgo Rinascimento in Farnese.

- In 2003 her artistic activities continued, as she turned out abstract works inspired by a special perspective on Nature.

- In 2004 she initiated the school's activities, starting up the courses on fresco, oil painting and drawing. The pupils, all of them students from American colleges, were able to earn credits.

- In 2004 she was also appointed to head up a committee that examined and presented awards to the works - gathered together in a large exhibit - of the students of all of Rome's international schools.

- In 2005 she teached painting and drawing at UPTER

- In 2006 she painted the official portrait of Italian Attorney General

- In 2007 she continued her teaching activity at UPTER University and will work, inter alia, on the portrait of the President of the Senate. She has been asked by the Middlebury College in Vermont, U.S.A., to teach a course in fresco technique at the Summer Campus.

- 2008 she continues her activities with teaching at the Università Popolare and also in Summer Courses at the International School “ Borgo Rinascimento “ .
She has private portrait commissions that include that of the General Attorney of Supreme Court.

- 2009 Prof. Clarici continues to teach at UPTER and , during the summer, at the school
“ Borgo Rinascimento” where she also teaches the “ Buon Fresco “ technique to American University students .

- 2010 She finds particular technical solutions to represent natural phenomena. She creates new projects and installations that personity the sounds of the wind as it passes by .

- 2011 She initiates the portraiture classes. At the end of May , during the important Forum of the IWF in Rome , when more then 700 women leaders arrived from around the world to the Cavalieri Hilton Hotel , she is nominated to speak on the theme “ Art Transforming the world”.

- 2012 The Ministry of Justice of Italy contracts Prof. Clarici to execute the portrait of the first President at the Supreme Court. During the summer she continues her work teaching at the school Borgo Rinascimento.

During these years the artist has also participated in various exhibitions in Italy. Among other things, the artist has written: "The dream of Clarici is the PAINTING and this goes in search of the unknown and can not be resolved. Such an investigation can not make use of the cold and astral tank" Magic Realism "because claims, with the Bontempelli, that "the end of art is nothing but magic. Perhaps art is the only spell given to man. "" A spell that does not deviate dramatically from things, but you dig a niche within the visible to overthrow him and then propose a cosmos divinely embalmed Moon "" The looking for a formal clarity often pushes the artist to neo classical quotations through an evocation of ancient myths? "(R: Siena) V. Emanuele III, 159 - 01010 Farnese - (VT) Italy - Tel +39 06 3202157 - Mobile: +39 349 8053802 - e-mail: